Sunday 29 September 2013

Here we are!

This is our new English blog.
Why our?
Easy, because all of us can take part in it.

Yes!!! You too!!!

What can you do?

You can write something about yourself,
or you can add an English video or music you like,
or what about drawing a comic and hang it in our blog?

As you see there are many options.

Apart of this I'll hang some videos for us to enjoy and there will be some links for you to investigate a little more.

For example, if you want to have a look to an interesting  blog or  if you want to have a good web to work and play with the vocabulary just clik on the colored words.

Ah! Don't forget we have a good visual dictionary too.



  1. Me ha gustado cómo animas a los alumnos a tomar parte en el blog. Y el título también hace que te den ganas de ver lo que hay en él.

  2. Gracias, me gusta que te guste.
    Espero que mis "pupils" piensen igual.

    Thanks, I Iike you like it.
    I only hope my pupils would like it too.

  3. I'm sure they will! Your blogs looks great, so colourful! It's really appealing. I wish you all the best.

  4. I like your blog. me parece muy atractivo cara al alumnado. Espero que tengas suerte con él y sirva de ayuda para tus alumnos.
